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“(H)ello name is Erica and I am from Italy”. I thought ‘first of all I am going to introduce myself geographically, they always love it!’. Well.. probably my italianity was quite clear to them thanks to my natural abuse of gestures and the total absence of H pronunciation more then everything wasn’t really enough.


I immediately felt all the people in Caux were genuinely interested in each other, you couldn’t just tell them about your life as you are used to: My job is ... my background is in... I have lived in... I have brothers/sisters/dogs/cats/birds/invisible friends or whatever... Not only because they might not like your invisible friend (which it’s a shame… he is super cool!) but mainly because they really want to explore you and help you in finding who you really are.


Imagine hundreds of people from all over the world, youths and adults, children and old people working, eating, sharing and having fun together. Imagine if all these people wanted to change somehow the world starting with themselves; they might be already involved in great projects or they might be looking for something different. Imagine if they also believed in honesty, purity, unselfishness and love. Wouldn’t you like to go there? Wouldn’t you give yourself a chance to be part of this?


I was lucky enough to get involved and I consider it one of my homes now, a very special one where I experienced a different Erica, not always better but more authentic for sure. The challenge now is to bring her down from the mountains together with all the fantastic people I met there, to make sure Caux is still part of me and my daily life but of course this website is a first and good step towards it. 


interns II
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